
Friday, July 25, 2014


So many things need batteries these days, and they can be expensive.  I think about being prepared for emergencies, I want all my flashlights working and since my toddler loves to play with them, extra batteries is one thing we have.

Harbor Freight is the cheapest place I have found them.  We waited for a good sale and stocked up on the sizes we use most.  However, we just saw a coupon they printed for free batteries.  24 FREE AA or AAA batteries no purchase required.  Can't get better than that.

It is probably in store only. I know the coupon can be found online as well. One I saw expired in the middle of September and one at the end of 2014.

Yeah for savings!

They also have coupons for free:
head lamps
tape measures
and other tools

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Water Balloon Volleyball

Summer may be ending but there is still time to have fun. Besides I missed most of summer and need to cram all the fun I can in before the cold weather comes.

For water balloon volleyball you need at least four people, a towel per every two people and lots and lots and lots of water balloons.  You also need a place to play.  I have seen this played in a volleyball sand area or just a large grass area.

To play:

Divide players into two equal teams.  Two people stretch out a towel  between them, each holding one of the corners.  This is the net you will be catching the balloon in.

One pair starts with a water balloon on their towel and using the towel and team work, they fling it to the other team.

The other team tries to catch the balloon. (Note even catching a balloon does not grantee it won't pop.) 

If the balloon does not pop, fling it back to the other team.

Score can be kept like Volleyball or by how many successful, un-popped, catches a team makes.

Have each team start with a balloon, or more, and get balloons flying all over.
Also you can hang a sheet between the two team so they can not see when the other team flings their balloon.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ideas to Help the Tuna Fish Sandwich

Growing up a tuna sandwich was tuna mixed with mayo slapped on some bread.  I have since discovered it does not have to be so boring or tasteless.

I have learned adding things to the tuna really helps it out. Besides Miracle Whip some of my favorite spices to add are:
ranch dressing

Other things to add:

I like the crunch these add.

However, one of my favorite ways to prepare a tuna sandwich is to mix the Miracle Whip and tuna with peeled and diced apples. Serve it on toasted bread.  This makes it a sweeter sandwich and you still get the crunch.

An easy lunch for the kids on a hot summer day. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Emergency - First Aid Kit

I guess by default we build up our first aid kit during the month of June.  We are now stocked with bandages, medical scissors, tweezers, gauze, anti-bacterial solution, etc.

I suggest starting with a basic first aid kit- these can be purchased or put together yourself. We have one for both the car and one for the home. Slowly we add things to it. List for good first aid kits can be found on several sites online. Avoid getting overwhelmed by the extensiveness of some list.  You don't have to have it all at once.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Things That Matter Most

Never ending to do list intermingled with constant distractions.  So many activities calling for our time.  A rush to accomplish even a fraction of all we feel must be done.  Running around in a sort of daze focused on tasks to be completed. A sort of tunnel vision to what else may be happening around us or other people who pass us by.

Being pregnant and recovering from two major surgeries I have had to let a lot of things go.  Dusting is not as important as changing a diaper. And reading to my daughter is worth more of my time than TV, social media, or shopping.  Mid afternoon naps are a pretty high priority as well.

In the hospital I read the book Tuesday's With Morrie by Mitch Albom.  It was odd reading about a man who was dying while I was in a hospital recovering. It gives you an interesting perspective on life. The book has a lot of wonderful truths about living and I would highly recommend reading it.

One of the things that stood out most was when Morrie found out he was dying, so many things did not matter any more.  Stuff was just stuff.  He, through out his life, had focused on family and helping others. He had friends and family through his final days on earth and was an influence for good for thousands of people both through his illness and through out his entire life.  He never tried to keep up with the Jones for he knew happiness could not be found in fancy cars, bigger homes, or worldly possessions. Joy comes from a life well lived. A life full of service to others.

This has been a great time to reflect on the things that really matter, the things that last longer than what money buys.

Recently this has been my toddlers favorite Youtube video. Moments That Matter Most: 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

And Life Continues

Earlier I wrote about being sick. That was due to morning sickness.  I left the hospital about a week ago due to a perforated appendix. After two weeks in the hospital and two surgeries there is a long recovery to go. Posting is going to slow down.

Here is one thing I have learned: Family is the most important thing you have.
I would have never survived June without my extended family from babysitting, visiting, nights slept in the hospital, and all the emotional support. Plus helping pack and move and clean and all the cooked meals from the morning sickness days. Thank you!

Family is the greatest treasure you have. Family is more important than all the fine things in the world.  I believe that family relationships are to be cherished and in them we experience are greatest joys. Family relationships can last forever, even into the eternities.

Families Can Be Together Forever Video