
Friday, April 11, 2014


How to Make Moving Cheaper

As every person who moves knows, you need boxes, sometimes a lot of boxes.  It's amazing how much junk one can accumulate!

Anyway, the other day I was at Lowes and noticed moving boxes for sell.  The small boxes were around $.75 a piece.  Two days later I went to the grocery store just after it opened for the day and noticed, as the employees busily restocked shelves, there were empty boxes on almost every aisle. "Can I have some of those?" I asked an employee in the produce section.  I left the store that day with more boxes than groceries.

  • If you give your local grocery store advanced notice they sometimes will save boxes for you.
  • My sister also tipped that schools can be a good place to ask if you have connections. As she said, "Lunch Ladies empty a lot of boxes." 

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