
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blown Budgets

In May I discovered two things that ruin a well kept budget really quick.
Moving- Expensive
Being Sick- Who wants to keep a budget?

Try being sick while moving.  I bet your only goal would be survival.

If someone is looking at just beginning a budget or starting to keep one again you only need to google budget to find a million sites with budget sheets and tips.

My suggestions:
Find something that works for you.
Keep it simple- The easier it is to work with, the more likely someone is to stick with it. Some people like computer programs or apps they can have on their phone.  I just use Excel. Some go good old fasion route of paper and pencil.

I based my budget off of this temple
Family Budget Worksheet

Here is a great pamphlet on spending money wisely:
One For the Money

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