
Thursday, October 1, 2015


When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

Mosiah 2:17

I believe serving each other is an important part of life. While donating money to charities helps, it is not the only way to serve. Here is a list of ideas to get you thinking of what you can do to help others:

Image result for free clipart raking leaves

  • Rake leaves or shovel snow for neighbors
  • Chop or stack wood for elderly neighbors
  • Read with children at a literacy center
  • Visit with the elderly at a rest home
  • Walk dogs at a animal shelter
  • Make blankets for various organizations such as the local police or women's shelters
  • Donate and gather food for a food bank 
  • Donate and gather supplies for hygiene kits for women's shelters or needed areas throughout the world
  • Donate your hair- 8-10 inch minimum, depending on the charity.  The three organizations I know of are: Locks of Love, Pantene Beautiful Lengths, and Wigs for Kids.
  • Habitat for Humanity- under the direction of a certified contractor, help build homes for lower income residences who also are doing a large portion of the work.
  • Volunteer at soup kitchen or homeless shelter
  • Mother's Milk Bank- donate human milk for premature babies. I am familiar with the Rocky Mountain Children's Health Foundation Milk Bank, although there are other organizations out there, both profit (research) and non profit based.
  • Cuddle/Hold babies in the hospital
  • Donate blood- okay, not a favorite, but still good to do.
  • Donate Plasma (some organizations pay for this)
  • Bring dinner to a family who just had a baby, major illness, etc
  • Donate stuff for charity yard sales, or the like
  • Free babysitting for a friend
  • Tutor at local school
  • Clear weeds and debris from a park/garden
  • Help plant city flowers
  • Pick up trash in parks
  • Make wooden toys for children in 3rd world countries- or oil them as our family did after our grandpa and grandma made them.
  • Help repaint someone's home, shed, cabin, etc
  • Give excess garden produce away to others 
  • Help someone move
  • Listen when someone needs to talk
  • Refrain from saying something unkind
  • Offer words of encouragement
  • Share your talents with others
  • Maintain a positive attitude

The list of ways to serve could go on and on, this certainly is not a comprehensive list. I am convinced the possibilities to make life better for our fellowmen are endless.

What have been some of your favorite ways to serve?

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