Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Saturday before Mother's Day and I realize I haven't gotten Mom anything.  How thoughtless!  Okay time to head to the kitchen to make something that appears to be gourmet.

Easiest Truffles Ever

about 1/2 cup bitter chocolate chips
about 1 Tbsp margarine
about 1 1/2- 2 Tbsp milk

Microwave for 30 seconds
Stir until smooth- about a minute

Refrigerate for 10 mins, stir, refrigerate about 20 more.  Until cool enough to form 1 inch round balls.  Roll in cocoa or powder sugar, place on parchment and refrigerate until served.

I like mine a little warmer, they melt in your mouth better, so I let mine sit out for 20 mins or so before eating.

So good, so easy, enjoy!

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