Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More Date Ideas

What if you live in the middle of nowhere??? Can you still date?

First off, I sure hope you're not single if you live somewhere like pictured above, it's hard to find a spouse in a barren wasteland.  Of course, it can be done, and I believe married couples, regardless of where they live, should continue to date.  Here is a list of ideas that, depending on the season, can be done almost anywhere:

Some of these may repeat from last (or next) post but they are fun to do again!
Check what is allowed in your area- for example I know sledding/ice blocking are ban in some parks.

  • Hiking
  • Sledding
  • Ice blocking
  • Frisbee or other appropriate activities for the park- just going to swing in fun.
  • Picnics
  • Card/board games- you can learn a lot from playing Curses.
  • Cabbage Bowling!- let me explain: 10 cans of soda are the bowling pins, and I bet you can guess what you use as a bowling ball. Just make sure you don't stand too close when the pins get hit. (And have extra pins, just in case.)
  • Roast marshmallows or starburst
  • Feed ducks!... wait, we don't have any of those where I live, sigh.
  • Fly kites
  • Make homemade ice-cream
  • Pumpkin carving
  • Dying eggs
  • Making and decorating gingerbread cookies
  • Build santa's workshop with graham crackers, frosting and a wide variety of sweet treats
  • Make a meal together
  • Never done it but I like the idea of getting two cheap remote cars and racing them against each other.
  • Origami- or paper airplanes
  • Play darts
  • Get out the crayons and coloring books
  • Fingerpainting or pudding Pictionary
  • Bike ride
  • Bake cookies together
  • Snowshoeing
  • Design dream house
  • Star gazing

Okay, I'm sure others of you out in internet land have better ideas.  Feel free to comment.

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