Monday, May 4, 2015

Coconut Oil

Years ago Dove stopped making my favorite moisturizer.  Nothing- within my price range- has come close to being as amazing.  I'm still sad over that. Anyway... I had some coconut oil for another experiment I was trying and thought why not see if it works. (it would be cheaper than the brand I'm using now)  Putting oil on my face was a little scary, and I only used a little bit.  It absorbed quickly and three days into the experiment their have been no adverse effects.  I did look it up and learned people do use it as a regular moisturizer and for about a million other things.

I found this list (and many others) of 101 uses for coconut oil:

101 Uses for Coconut Oil Wellness Mama 101 Uses for Coconut Oil

Although I don't think it makes a good lip balm by itself and I certainly have not, nor will I try all of the uses listed.  (I'm skeptical of any "Windex" claim.) As a moisturizer I think it works pretty well for the not too dry skin I have.


I found after awhile I no longer liked using coconut oil as a face moisturizer. Too heavy.  Now I use 100% Extra Virgin Olive oil. I like it better.  I read this is a good oil for dry skin.  I have also read grape seed oil works wonders for those with oily skin.  We will see how long using this one last.

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