Wednesday, August 27, 2014

And MORE Date Ideas

Can you tell I think proper dating is important? Sure hope this gives my brother and other single siblings plenty of ideas... not that they check my blog ever.


Perhaps, like most of us, you don't live in the middle of nowhere, here are a few more date ideas that can be done if you actually live in civilization. Also, check around your local town for ideas. 

  • Be a tourist in your own town, go to sites and events unique to where you live.
  • Go to the library and read children's books
  • Feed ducks!
  • Corn maze
  • Hay ride
  • Take a community class together
  • Candy store! OR cupcake shop
  • Go to a high school play
  • The $100,000 date- go to the mall, furniture store, or local toy store, bring a notebook and record all of your “purchases” No car lots allowed.  You'd be surprised how hard it can be to spend that much in a night. Afterwards pick up pizza or other cheap dinner.
  • Comedy club
  • Go window shopping- old book stores, antique shops, or a specialized hobby store.
  • Go-karts
  • Miniature golf or bowling - clique dates
  • Snowshoeing
  • Racquetball- or any kind of sport
  • Badminton
  • Shooting range
  • Archery range
  • Laser Tag
  • I can't recommend paintballing, it hurts!
  • Visit an Arcade
  • Zoo
  • Aquarium
  • Aviary
  • Wildlife refuge
  • Local sports event- little league baseball?
  • Roller skating
  • Carnival
  • Fun centers in my area have inflatable bounce toys- giant slides and what not, some have a room full of trampolines
  • Obstacle course
  • Fishing
  • Canoeing or other water activities

Any more ideas???

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More Date Ideas

What if you live in the middle of nowhere??? Can you still date?

First off, I sure hope you're not single if you live somewhere like pictured above, it's hard to find a spouse in a barren wasteland.  Of course, it can be done, and I believe married couples, regardless of where they live, should continue to date.  Here is a list of ideas that, depending on the season, can be done almost anywhere:

Some of these may repeat from last (or next) post but they are fun to do again!
Check what is allowed in your area- for example I know sledding/ice blocking are ban in some parks.

  • Hiking
  • Sledding
  • Ice blocking
  • Frisbee or other appropriate activities for the park- just going to swing in fun.
  • Picnics
  • Card/board games- you can learn a lot from playing Curses.
  • Cabbage Bowling!- let me explain: 10 cans of soda are the bowling pins, and I bet you can guess what you use as a bowling ball. Just make sure you don't stand too close when the pins get hit. (And have extra pins, just in case.)
  • Roast marshmallows or starburst
  • Feed ducks!... wait, we don't have any of those where I live, sigh.
  • Fly kites
  • Make homemade ice-cream
  • Pumpkin carving
  • Dying eggs
  • Making and decorating gingerbread cookies
  • Build santa's workshop with graham crackers, frosting and a wide variety of sweet treats
  • Make a meal together
  • Never done it but I like the idea of getting two cheap remote cars and racing them against each other.
  • Origami- or paper airplanes
  • Play darts
  • Get out the crayons and coloring books
  • Fingerpainting or pudding Pictionary
  • Bike ride
  • Bake cookies together
  • Snowshoeing
  • Design dream house
  • Star gazing

Okay, I'm sure others of you out in internet land have better ideas.  Feel free to comment.