Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Painting the Tub

This goes back to that week of snow.  One thing we did was water paints for the tub.


  • 4-6 Tb baby soap
  • 1 tsp water
  • 1 Tb corn starch
  • 2-3 drops of food coloring

I divided the mixture into three cups before adding food coloring for more variety.  My toddler loved it- although it wasn't the cleanest she's ever gotten from a bath.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Colored Snow

Not the yellow kind.

I know it's spring but a few weeks ago we had an unusual snow storm that shut down the schools for an unheard of length of time. (I know not much snow in the pictures. It was the rapid melting- and further snow- that closed the schools.)

What do you do when the kids are unexpectedly home for the week?  Play in the snow of course!

Snow angels, snow forts, sledding.  And this inexpensive idea

 All you need:

  • A water bottle
  • Food coloring
Poke a hole in the lid of the bottle.  My friend used a hammer and small nail for this.
Fill bottle with water and food coloring of your choice.

Take it out and draw pictures in the snow.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Easy Removal of Tinted Windows

We live in the middle of a dessert and almost all of the roads are dirt.  A 4-wheel vehicle is almost a necessity.  So we saved up our pennies (we believe in paying cash) and bought a big truck. Crazy!

Well, the windows were very tinted.

 Like no way they would ever pass safety in our state- 2% light tinted.

We had heard of the old, grueling, razor blade method of removal, but we that is messy and takes a long time.


Easy Way to Remove Tint from Windows


  • Razor blade
  • Steamer (or an iron with steam works too)

1. Roll down window slightly. Using the razor blade make a small cut in the tint.

2. From the top steam the tint.  As the glue melts, pull the tint away from the window.

3. If any glue is left, steam it and use the razor blade to scrape it away.

Tada! It took us about 20-30 mins a window.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Baby Blowout!

Every parent of an infant inevitably experiences "The Blowout".

Who wants to take that poopy mess back over their child's head?

My husband discovered something I wish we would have known with our first child.  Those little onesies with their funny shoulder flaps are made so that they fold down!  You can roll the onesies from head down and keep the explosion contained to the bomb site.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Microwave Cleaning

The spaghetti exploded, the kids' cheese tortilla melted off the plate. No matter how careful you are, the microwave just gets dirty!  Dirty and then those messes get baked on all sides of the microwave.

Here is the easiest way to clean a microwave.  After doing this I was able to clean it one handed.

Spray vinegar/water 50/50 % solution on the sides of the microwave (or where the biggest mess is).  Microwave for 15-30 seconds.  Open door and wipe the mess clean!

Yes, awesome.

 Here is a sample of the mess.  Ug, gross!

Yay! Clean!