Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sweet Peach Salsa

I enjoy salsa.  When I was pregnant it seemed I could not get enough of it.  If only I would have known how easy it was to make mine own.

I must admit, I don't follow a recipe, I just throw things in until I like the taste of it.  If I did have a recipie it might look something like this.

Peach Salsa
(All of these only need to be coarsely chopped so they fit in your food processor)
3-5  Roma tomatoes chopped
1 small jalapeno pepper seeded and chopped
1/2 medium onion chopped
2 tsp lime juice
2 TBSP Cilantro or more
1/2 TBSP Sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic
1/2 tsp cumin
2-3 small peaches (pitted and chopped)

You can add green peppers if you want instead of peaches for a spicier salsa. I'd omit the sugar for that too.

Place ingredients in a food processor.  Pulse until desired consistency and enjoy.  Refrigerating brings out the flavors if you can wait to eat your salsa.

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