Summer may be ending but there is still time to have fun. Besides I missed most of summer and need to cram all the fun I can in before the cold weather comes.
For water balloon volleyball you need at least four people, a towel per every two people and lots and lots and lots of water balloons. You also need a place to play. I have seen this played in a volleyball sand area or just a large grass area.
To play:
Divide players into two equal teams. Two people stretch out a towel between them, each holding one of the corners. This is the net you will be catching the balloon in.
One pair starts with a water balloon on their towel and using the towel and team work, they fling it to the other team.
The other team tries to catch the balloon. (Note even catching a balloon does not grantee it won't pop.)
If the balloon does not pop, fling it back to the other team.
Score can be kept like Volleyball or by how many successful, un-popped, catches a team makes.
Have each team start with a balloon, or more, and get balloons flying all over.
Also you can hang a sheet between the two team so they can not see when the other team flings their balloon.
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