Thursday, January 8, 2015

Saving on Diapers and Wipes

I am so excited at what I just discovered.

As any parent knows, babies go through a lot of diapers!  I was comparing prices online to those in the store when I noticed Amazon Warehouse had a thing called "Open Box".  The packaging may be damaged but the product is still just fine.  However, because of the damage to the part you throw away anyway (the box), they sell it at a discount.

I got name brand diapers and wipes for less than the store brand I normally buy.  Considering I prefer the better quality for the first few months of baby's life anyway I super happy about it.

I will be keeping my eye out for Open Box diaper and wipe deals in the future.

Also, I know stores like Target occasionally run specials such as buy two packages of diapers get a $15 dollar gift card.  These are not always the cheapest diapers so be aware, but when it's there own brand and I figure I'd be spending the gift card on more diapers anyway, it made it a cheaper option for diapers as well.

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