Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Food Posioning

"I don't do fish!" as a wedding planner once said.

Yes, I have cooked fish on rare occasions. No, I will never post a recipe.

I believe fish was the culprit for a horrible bout of food poisoning I had.  Either that or the Chinese Buffet   Either way, it was fish or something like it, that made my insides turn.

Refrigerate leftovers within an hour and don't keep leftovers longer than 3-4 days.

Here is a link discussing leftovers
mayo clinic- How long can you safely keep left overs

And another discussing storage times
Food Safety

I have, however, kept other foods for up to a week, and just reheated till they were hot (over 160 degrees) before serving.  This kills any bacteria that may be growing.

Ha!  Turns out it was the 24 hour flu my husband (who ate neither) got it the next day and my extended family (who watched my daughter) got it the following day after him.

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