Friday, February 28, 2014

Brown Sugar- The Sweetness that began the blog.

For those that read the beginning of the blog, you will know it was my ignorance of not knowing how to make brown sugar that sent me on the journey to discover what else I could make from scratch. Since this was the recipe that prompted this blog, I thought it appropriate to make it the 100th post- and honestly I haven't made it until now.  I was a little sad to learn that it is not necessarily cheaper than buying brown sugar on sale unless you buy the ingredients in bulk. Ironic, I know.

The cheapest I have ever seen brown sugar was $.25 a pound.  That's right a quarter.  They didn't stay on the shelves for long. A sale like that is very rare.

If you want the satisfaction of making your own (and maybe save a few pennies) here it is:

Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Molasses (We like 1/2 Tbsp instead)
1 Cup Sugar

Blend with beaters or fork.  If you use egg beaters it will go faster but you will still need to use a fork to get the last bit of molasses mixed in.
In our family we have found we like even less molasses as this has a stronger flavor than store bought.  So halving the molasses cuts the cost down considerably.

Look how beautiful!!! I made that!

As excited as I was to make this, I have a confession, I don't normally blend my brown sugar when I do go the homemade route. Unless we are going to use it for something like cinnamon rolls or oatmeal, I just put a cup of sugar and 1/2 Tbsp into whatever I am cooking (such as Cookies!).

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