Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Shaving Cream- Kid fun

Most toys will hold my toddler's attention for about two minutes before it's off to explore something else. This is a fun activity that hold her attention for much longer.  Big and little kids alike will enjoy this simple activity.

On a clean table put some cheap shaving cream and let you kids have at it. You can add food coloring but be prepared for stained little hands.  Also, if you have a kid who sticks everything in their mouth, you can put shaving cream in a ziplock bag and tape it closed. They will have fun squishing it. That's when the food coloring is fun.

We cover up with aprons or "Get Messy Shirts" (big t-shirt from $1 store) as shaving cream doesn't always stay just on the table.

Best part is when you are done there is no clean up, simply rub it into the table until it disappears!

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