Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Best Newlywed Financial Advice

Live Off of One Income

It Can Be Done

The best financial advice for newlyweds was not something I was given at my own wedding; it was something I overheard while at a friend's reception years prior.
An old man told the newlywed couple, "While you're both working and before the children come, live off of one income."

I love that advice, not only are you saving a whole lot of cash (assuming you both are working) but if something happens, such as a job loss, it is not a financial strain on the marriage.

MY husband and I place great emphasis on family and believe children thrive best in a traditional family setting.  Before our first child was born we lived off of the one income rule. When our baby was born and I became a stay at home mother, we were already living on one income, therefore, we endured no hardship at the loss of my income.  Then came my husband's last semester in college (the one that prompted the starting of this blog) and the uncertainty of a job after.  We were and still are very grateful for the savings we built up in our first years of marriage.

If you are newly married (or will be soon) avoid excessive debt, you don't need a house, a new car, or whatever else people may tell you, you need to prepare for the uncertainties that certainly will come your way.  Live off of one income and enjoy the savings safety net.

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